Sph friendzone

Sph friendzone #W94PT16B


sphman_22 Happens all the time :(
FaithEncount OP lol why? how big -or how little i should say - is yours?
SmlrPackage Yeah, story of my my teens and early twenties with a fourteen cm
SmlrPackage I’m sure you’d have done the same as the other girls @FaithEncount sigh try sex and end with an hj
FaithEncount OP 14cm? Isnt that what most men have
sphman_22 I'm like 12cm or 4,5" a true baby dick but not a micro dick :(
FaithEncount OP my husband is 4.5
FaithEncount OP its well documented most commonly sized purchased dildo is 7 inch
Smallarabcock I'm only about 4 inches (and not thick), wish I was able to get out the friend zone haha
sphman_22 @FaithEncount Nice, do you make him wear a sleeve? Can I show you mine and you do a rate? :)
FaithEncount OP ya send in message
Lordofthegoobers91 Yep. Literally the story of my life
FaithEncount OP do u actually know if that is the reason or not though? How?
BigBBCforyou I love seeing the humiliation of losers with small dicks haha
Lordofthegoobers91 Because they all told me so when they'd see me naked
sphman_22 Same for me, and then they laughed and told their girlfriends
Lordofthegoobers91 Exactly! And I'm truly only very tiny when soft. But they never stay long enough to see that
sphman_22 yeah that's always the thing. And they say yeah right. Some even spilled called water and ice so it shrank even more :(
Lordofthegoobers91 Aww shit thats fucked up
sphman_22 Yep hehe, I was so humiliated and turned on at the same time XD
SmlrPackage I don’t know about the 14cm or 5.8” inch cock size? It’s wholly average statistically yeah, but I was luckily enough in my younger years to pull some smokeshow hot chicks for a while and they had alllllll had numerous huge cocks before me.
SmlrPackage So I would be stoked about snagging some top end pussy talent only to end being stroked for often being their “smallest” at the 5.8” inch size. It was not like it only happened once, more like a handful of times I only got a hand full outta them.
SmlrPackage I’ll say this though, you only ever find this sorta thing out when you end up still getting with her for weeks and banging her that they open up or tel these truthful stories so it worked out for me,
PisellinoMini Almost 3 here lol🦐
TinySean Well that explains a lot.
FaithEncount OP i guess the grow your own dick kit nature gave you guys didnt work out huh?
FaithEncount OP Yous were in the back of that lineup when dicks got handed out
Lordofthegoobers91 It sure didn't! My dick quit growing at a pathetic 5.5 inches
Smallarabcock damn U lucky, U passed 4 inches...
sphman_22 4 Inches is the baby dick limit hehe :) or is 3 XD
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