Dakota's tutor is a little annoyed because she hasn't been taking her studying seriously. The only

 Dakota's tutor is a little annoyed because she hasn't been taking her studying seriously. The only #il6FUOw6
 Dakota's tutor is a little annoyed because she hasn't been taking her studying seriously. The only #D7NAyJE2
 Dakota's tutor is a little annoyed because she hasn't been taking her studying seriously. The only #b4u5Lrf0
 Dakota's tutor is a little annoyed because she hasn't been taking her studying seriously. The only #q1O296Uv
 Dakota's tutor is a little annoyed because she hasn't been taking her studying seriously. The only #D6P33TDP
 Dakota's tutor is a little annoyed because she hasn't been taking her studying seriously. The only #3AVaiieQ
 Dakota's tutor is a little annoyed because she hasn't been taking her studying seriously. The only #7RjIxrnb
 Dakota's tutor is a little annoyed because she hasn't been taking her studying seriously. The only #QUuOsmn9
 Dakota's tutor is a little annoyed because she hasn't been taking her studying seriously. The only #j1179Aa4
 Dakota's tutor is a little annoyed because she hasn't been taking her studying seriously. The only #ULUOibox

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