Stuff getting deleted

Stuff getting deleted #Bv0ekYeN
Stuff getting deleted #1Aa1BJHz


BLANKPAGE OP it seems kind of random what gets to stay up and what doesn't, but some videos just get deleted. do you guys use any other sites that might work?
footafan I've had same issue. Sometimes it's supposedly a copyright thing, but sometimes it seems totally arbitrary. Don't know about other sites, but probably should look into it.
BLANKPAGE OP Interesting, yeah I thought it's certain names/people where there's a copyright thing, but then there are also a bunch of other tributes and galleries of the same girl with their full name in the title, which are still up 🤷
ROY4L welcome to the club
gordoTribs @BLANKPAGE The worst part of this copyright thing is that a tribute should be considered fair use. but then there is a lot of leaked content albums that not get deleted just because their don't have the actual name in the tiitle. moderatos here sucks
USER6611 Yeah I've just checked and a few of my tributes have been removed, I never got a notification about it though they just disappeared.
USER6611 I just hope they don't start removing more tributes or even worse banning accounts.
Rarewaifus I've had this happen with a good handful of things I've archived and uploaded. It's frustrating.
Foolmonkey It's getting really annoying. I had half a dozen tribs removed, and they were not even named or famous girls. I wish there'd be some kind of warning or they'd just set them to private first or something.
godkazuya yep.. sh*t site
footafan wow, just logged on to find another trib taken down as 'inappropriate'... which is weird considering it was a request from the pictured person
BLANKPAGE OP Now my natalia dyer tribute just got deleted after it had been up for like 2 years. It's not looking good
USER6611 I had more stuff taken down recently, starting to wonder if they might ban tribute content outright at some point.
BLANKPAGE OP It seems like they might, looks like old uploads aren't safe either
PASMO_ASMR_CUMTRIBUTE I'm sad that it's being deleted
MegaloPhallus P_M_V_H_a_v_3_n does not seem to delete vids, unless they are deepfakes or cp , you may need to put some bass beat in the background so it qualifies as music video tho
BLANKPAGE OP @MegaloPhallus Thanks, that site has nice content overall. I'll see how much more of my videos get deleted on here and if I have to move
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